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July 29, 2011 / kat uppman


I remember standing in the living room with my dad once, telling him about a project I was working on.  And then I remember him, in exasperation, asking ‘Katie, can’t you do ANYTHING in moderation?’

This question has played over and over in my head throughout my teaching career, my business and my personal life.  Even with this blog, I can’t stand the thought of not having a post for each day.  And now with my training, I’m going full out.  I’m not worried about the level of physical intensity, as Crossfit and running have been a part of my life for the past year and a half.  But the amount of time training is taking is something else.  I finally broke down tonight and told Erik I was going to use this evening as my rest day.  I just needed a night on the couch, ribs and garlic noodles on a plate, and the remote in my  hand.  And it was amazing.  Although I believe the image below says it all.

Today’s miles: 0

Pace: N/A

Total weekly miles: 10.92

Total miles since getting back on the bandwagon: 23

Crosstraining: shopping on eBay

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